80% of the time people look this way, this is how information is digested
80% of the time people look this way, this is how information is digested . When you look at a text, an image, a video or a design, you do not pay equal attention to all the elements.
In cultures where people learn to read from left to right, people’s attention is directed by default
…… to the left.
A study by Nielsen Norman Group shows that people spend 80% of the time on the left side of a website and only 20% on the right side.
The effect on SERPs
In search engine results pages the trend is more marked.
The results accentuate the effect of how the information has been organized on these pages since their inception.
93% of the attention is obtained by the left half of the page, in fact, 59% falls on the first 384 pixels. This may be because the results originally had to be displayed in their entirety in a 600 x 1100-pixel window.
With this information is digested you already know where to put the information that you want people to see.