7 tricks to increase the engagement of your videos
As usual. You choose a unique concept, create a great engagement video and upload it to social networks. You think: “I’m sure he’s going to blow it. This time yes”. But you only get a couple of likes … and one is your mother.
What are you doing wrong?
We agree that it is not so easy to create videos that attract your users and invite them to react and respond. Even more difficult is getting them to go viral, the equivalent of the Monopoly jackpot on social media.
However, think that the simple fact of making a video and uploading it to social networks already gives you a certain advantage. According to a study comparing the engagement rate between images and videos, Facebook video engagement was found to be 59% higher.
In this article, we will give you 7 tricks
that you can apply to increase the engagement of your videos. Do not miss it!
The importance of engagement in your video
There are many measures to control engagement, such as ‘likes’, number of shares, comments, and viewing time. These numbers will help you identify if your video is really working and contributing something to your audience.
We assume that one of the reasons why you are creating videos is to connect with your customers and users.
In that case, the best way to build that relationship is to get them to interact with your videos and posts.
Here are the tricks that will help you increase the engagement of your content, reach more people and receive more feedback.
1. Optimize the format
Take into account where you are going to publish your video and adapt the format to each platform.
If, for example, you are going to publish on Tok-tok, remember that the videos there are vertical. On Instagram, choose a 1: 1 ratio. For Facebook, 9:16. And so.
Choose before you start creating your video and find out about the characteristics of each platform. Thus, it will be easier for users to find and view it comfortably, which will help you increase engagement.
2. Make sure the introduction is surprising
Let’s face it: most users don’t watch an entire video. Some don’t even make it past the first few seconds.
Therefore, it is very important that the first 5 seconds of your video are as striking as possible. You have to get the viewers hooked in that time, which is the one you have before I move on to the next post.
Take advantage of the 5 seconds!
Also, you can use the same 5-second rule for the entire video. That is, try to have something every 5 seconds that invites viewers to continue watching. It can be a joke, a twist, a meme… whatever.
The goal is to hold your attention for as long as possible.
3. Take care of the title and thumbnail
You know what they say about first impressions. The thumbnail of your video is the first thing that will be seen when your audience is checking their social networks. A good thumbnail that is informative, attractive, and aesthetically pleasing will help attract initial interest, and it will also give your users a hint as to what to expect.
In addition, it has been discovered that a good thumbnail can increase engagement by 150%.
4. Add subtitles to your video
Do not assume that the viewer is going to click the video to see it with sound. A recent study has found that 90% of mobile video viewers consume content silently.
The solution? Add clear subtitles that allow your user to understand your video without the need for sound. In addition, it becomes more inclusive and accessible as it takes into account the hearing impaired.
The more people who see your video, the more likely you are to increase engagement.
5. Keep it short and direct
Just because Facebook allows 240-minute videos doesn’t mean you should make them that long…
In fact, the ideal length for an optimized Facebook video should be between 15 seconds and 3 minutes, depending on the content.
A shorter video means giving the viewer fewer opportunities to stop watching. They are much more likely to see it to the end!
This way, you will get your message to reach more people without putting their attention span to the test.
6. Don’t forget the call to action
The custom is to include the CTA or call to action at the end of the video, but… what if you put it before?
Don’t be too forced, sure, but the sooner you put it in, the more likely your viewer will see it and feel driven to act.
A good call to action is one of the best ways to increase engagement, so use them wisely.
7. Use animated videos
Animated videos have been shown to capture the viewer’s attention much better than conventional videos. Why?
It turns out that, according to neuromarketing, this type of video awakens emotions in the subconscious related to childhood. And who does not remember with nostalgia the cartoons that he saw as a child?
For that reason, you are much more likely to increase the engagement of your videos if you use animated videos than any other type. In addition, it is becoming easier to create animated videos. There are countless tools that allow you to do it from your computer.
Track the results
Each platform has its own means to analyze how your videos are performing. Follow them closely, this way you can see what attracts your users and what doesn’t, and adapt your content.
We hope these tips have been helpful to you. Tell us about your experience in the comments! Do your videos generate engagement?
Contact us with any questions or suggestions in the form. We will be delighted to hear from you!